Zach has shown some fabulous collaboration by working with his brothers to create his own fossils, they look great! Well done boys! 😃
Marvellous me!
Well done to everyone who has completed some home learning!
It has been fantastic to see so much amazing learning.
There is a marvellous me on it's way to everyone who has sent me some of their learning this week.
If you haven't sent anything over yet, it would be lovely to see something from you too :)
You can email your learning or pictures of what you have been up to straight to me at:
Miss Marshall 😊
Hi Ospreys,
It has been fantastic to see some of your home learning this week.
Picture news
Story: A charity are campaigning to allow clearer guidance on how care homes can open their doors safely to visiting family and friends.
Home learning wb 21.09.2020
Hi Osprey class,
Here is the learning for the whole of this week. Please keep checking back to the blog as I will add other things throughout the week. If you have any questions or would like to show me some of your learning you can email me at
Remember to be the best that you can be!
Miss Marshall 😊
Maths-Year 3
Year 3-
Maths lesson video- Compare objects
Year 3-
Maths lesson video- Compare numbers
Year 3-
Maths lesson video- Order numbers
Year 3-
Maths lesson video- Count in 50’s
Year 3-
Maths lesson video- Recap tens and ones using addition
Year 4 Maths
Year 4-
Maths lesson video- Round to nearest 100
Year 4-
Maths lesson video- Rounding to nearest 1,000
Year 4-
Maths lesson video- Partitioning
Year 4-
Maths lesson video- Compare 4-digit numbers
Year 4-
Maths lesson video- Order numbers
English- Continue with Talk for writing booklet
English comprehension
Choose your which comprehension challenge that you would like.
Grammar- Nouns
Have a look around your home. How many nouns can you see? Can you create some silly sentences by using nouns and verbs?
e.g. The dog danced across the living room because it was excited for it's food.
Design & technology
I would like you to carry out some research to
find out what foods the stone age people ate. Think carefully about what
ingredients they could use.
Lesson 2
Think back
to the research that you carried out on Monday about Stone age food.
What were
the main ingredients that you found that they used during the Stone age? Are
any of them similar to what we use today?
about the ingredients that you found. Can you design your own stone age food?
Hint- I would use something including
the berries.
I would love
to see your designs 😊
Lesson 3
Think back
to your stone age food design.
Have a look to
see if you could find a recipe online or in a recipe book for your Stone age
food. For example, I designed a fruit bread with berries in it, so I would look
for a recipe with fruit in it.
How many
verbs can you find in your recipe?
Do you think
the stone age people would have been able to follow your recipe?
Perhaps you
could even have a go at creating your own Stone age food using your recipe!
Make sure that you take some photographs 😊
Think back to the algorithm that you created last
week for your exercise routine.
You are going to use the same skill to create your
own algorithm for a new game outdoor that you could play with a friend. This
time you must create your own rules for the algorithm e.g.
It must be for __ players
It must be outside
It must be socially distanced
Make sure that you write down the algorithm for your game. I would love to see your ideas!
Year 3- Maths lesson video- Number
line to 1,000
Year 4- Maths lesson video- Rounding
to the nearest 10
English- Continue
with Talk for writing booklet
History- We are beginning our History learning about the
Stone age to Iron age.
Have a look
at this PowerPoint all about the Stone age
Can you
recall 5 facts about the stone age and teach your grown up?
Have a look
at these key events from the Stone age.
Can you create your own timeline to put them into chronological order?
Chronological order is the order in which
things happened
Has your child used Hit the Button recently?
It's a great website for children aged 5-11 to
help them to learn those all important number facts that so much of their Maths
work is based upon.
- They can start by learning the number facts which make
10, then move on to making 20 or 100.
- Also the children need to learn by heart doubling and
halving facts for different numbers.
- This website also allows the children to work on
individual or mixed times tables. Both multiplication and division. Feel
free to make this part of the children's daily routine whilst off school,
it's fun and can only help their mental recall.
Year 3- Maths lesson video
(Recap-Number lines to 100)
Year 4- Maths lesson video- 1000 more
or less
English- continue with
Talk for writing booklet
Science- How is soil made?
Watch this
video and complete the activity below. Link here
Can you create a poster to show how soil is made?
Year 3/4- Tuesday lesson video (1,10, 100 more or less)
Year 3/4- Tuesday lesson worksheet
Year 3/4- Tuesday lesson answers
Computing/P.E- Algorithms
I would like you to come up with your own algorithm for an exercise routine for someone in your house.
You must keep to these rules:
It must increase the person’s heart rate
It must include more than 3 different moves
Can you write your algorithm for your exercise routine down
Jog on the spot x 20 seconds
Star jumps x10
Skip x 20seconds
Home learning wb 14.09.20
Year 3- Maths lesson video- Recap
100s, 10s, 1s
Year 4- Maths lesson video (Number
lines to 10,000)
English unit
of work (This should last for 2 weeks, please take your time)
Watch this
video on rocks video
Can the
children name the 3 types of rocks and explain how they are formed?
Watch this
video about fossils video
Can the
children answer the quiz about fossils and explain the process to a grown up?