
Wednesday 27.01.21


Listen to the sentences including this weeks spellings and write them down.

You can check your answers using the sheet below. 

Spelling sentence answers  

Guided reading 

Think back to the chapter that we read yesterday. 
Can you answer the comprehension worksheet? 


Year 3 

Measure length 

Year 4 


Today we will learn the next section of our story. Learn the actions to the next paragraph with me in the video below. 

Your turn...

Create your own story map for the next section of the story below.


Bonjour les balbuzards! (That means “hello Ospreys!” Say bal-buz-ar)


Listen to the video “L’araignée Gypsie.” Do you recognise which nursery rhyme it is?


It’s Incy Wincy Spider! In French, the song is about a spider called Gypsie.


l’araignée = spider (say la-ran-yai)

le soleil = sun (say le-sol-ai)

la pluie = rain (say la-ploo-ee)


Here are the words to the song:

L’araignée Gypsie

Monte à la gouttière.

Tiens, voilà la pluie…

Gipsie tombe par terre.

Mais le soleil

A chassé la pluie.

L’araignée Gipsie

remonte à la gouttière.

Have a go at singing along in French. Can you do the actions too? 


Enjoy a workout with Joe Wicks!

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