
Summer Term Week 1

Weekly Maths Tasks (plus TT rockstars and Hit the button for maths facts)

Please click on the link below to access this week's daily maths activities on fractions.

(Please ensure you click on the Week 1 activity and NOT the Summer Term Week 1)

Week 1 (Year 3)

Week 1 (Year 4)

Weekly English Tasks (plus daily reading) (to be done in any order) 

Writing tasks (scroll through the pictures from the week to choose one you like best)

Inverted commas - scroll down until you find Inverted commas “”

Can you complete the task? (There is a video to help if you want)

Reading comprehension (there are 3 levels, if in doubt choose the middle one)

Spellings - Words with s sound spelt sc

Use the following words: science, scene, abscess, scissors, ascend, scented, descend, crescent

Try using the different strategies that we use in class

·         Missing vowels strategy (taking the vowels out of the word)

·         Pyramid (build the spelling pyramid letter by letter)

·         Get creative with your pictures around the spellings

Weekly Wider Curriculum Tasks

- Who were the Anglo-Saxons?

Who were the Anglo-Saxons?

Have a look at the artefacts, what information do they give us? What questions do they give us?


– How many sounds can you hear in your garden? How do they sound different? 

Sound survey

- Choose a famous artist, look at some of their work and choose your favourite piece. Can you explain why it is your favourite? Ask other people in your family to choose their favourite too. Are they the same or different to yours? If you want some inspiration on which artist to choose this might help https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zdgrd2p/resources/1

RE - Following our inspirational visit from  Mr Singh earlier in the academic year, we would like the children to learn more about Sikhism. Video about Sikhism BBC Sikhism

Picture News
- Picture News Virtual Assembly

Story: According to Google Maps, travel has decreased by around 85% around the UK.

Question:  Do we think people will travel less in the future? 

๐ŸŒŸ Humber Class Ongoing Task - Who is your hero?๐ŸŒŸ

I’ve been hearing lots of people talking about their heroes recently, especially the NHS heroes on the news.

A hero is a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes and each of you will no doubt have a different hero for very different reasons but I would like to hear all about them.

I would like you to choose your hero and learn all about them, then show what you know in whatever way you choose, you might choose to use the computer and create a PowerPoint, Poster or piece of writing or you could create a scrapbook instead.

Be creative and take your time, this is a project for you to work on over the next few weeks rather than completed in one session.

This week BBC Bitesize are launching BBC Bitesize Daily which teachers will be looking at this week so this may become part of our offer next week, feel free to have a look yourselves.

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