
Summer Term Week 3

Weekly Maths Tasks (plus TT rockstars and Hit the button for maths facts)

Please click on the link below to access this week's daily maths activities.

(Please ensure you click on the Summer term week 1 activity)

Summer term week 1 Fractions (Year 3)

Summer term week 1 Decimals  (Year 4)


Hit the button

Weekly English Tasks (plus daily reading) 

The link below covers writing, grammar and comprehension activities. This should take 2 weeks so take your time. 

The king of the fishes

(These are 2 week units of work. If you complete it before the 2 weeks feel free to email your work to me and I will give some suggestions of what you can do to further improve or areas for you to work on)

Reading comprehension


Year 3/4 spellings

This week I would like you to choose your own spellings from the sheet above. Choose 10 that you find tricky to practise this week 

Try using the different strategies that we use in class

·         Missing vowels strategy (taking the vowels out of the word)

·         Pyramid (build the spelling pyramid letter by letter)

·         Get creative with your pictures around the spellings

  • Look, say, cover, write, check 

There are some great games to help you practise these words on the Spellzone website

Weekly Wider Curriculum Tasks

HistoryVE Day This week, as we have a bank holiday on Friday, I would like you to learn about VE Day. What is it? Why are we celebrating it's 75th anniversary this week? You might even notice The Queen and her family in the information you learn too. If you click on the link above there are also a number of extra art, music, PSHE or DT activities you can do linked to VE day if you want.
Want to learn more? Have a look at the extra links below:
VE day video 
VE day song
Follow a wartime recipe
VE day PowerPoint 

Computing - Purple Mash 14 day trial If you are able we would like you to register for this 14 day free trial. Once logged on it is the 2code icon we would like you to click on and work on your coding skills. Start with chimp level and see how you get on. We will leave this task on for 2 weeks so it allows you to make full use of your 14 day free trial. (Don't worry there are lots of help videos along the way if you get stuck)

PESchool Games Virtual Challenge North Yorkshire Sports have set some challenges for children to do each week. Have a look and choose 1 or 2 to have a go at. I think you can even send a video to them showing how many you've done if you've not missed the deadline.

Picture NewsPicture News Assembly 4th May

Story: The toy world has a new craze – llamas!

Question:  What makes some toys more popular than others?

🌟 Humber Class Ongoing Task - Who is your hero?🌟

I’ve been hearing lots of people talking about their heroes recently, especially the NHS heroes on the news.

A hero is a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes and each of you will no doubt have a different hero for very different reasons but I would like to hear all about them.

I would like you to choose your hero and learn all about them, then show what you know in whatever way you choose, you might choose to use the computer and create a PowerPoint, Poster or piece of writing or you could create a scrapbook instead.

Be creative and take your time, this is a project for you to work on over the next few weeks rather than completed in one session.

If you complete all of this week’s learning have a look on the BBC Bitesize website there’s lots to learn on there 😊

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