
Summer Term Week 5

Weekly Maths Tasks 

Please click on the link below to access this week's daily maths activities.

(Please ensure you click on the Summer term week 3 )

Money (Year 3)

Multiplication and division (Year 4)

and don't forget...
TT rockstars 
Hit the button 
Telling the time

Weekly English Tasks (plus daily reading) (to be done over two weeks)

The link below covers writing, grammar and comprehension activities.

Amazing Aliens



This week I would like you to choose your own spellings from the sheet above. Choose 10 different words that you find tricky to practise this week 

Try using the different strategies that we use in class

·         Missing vowels strategy (taking the vowels out of the word)

·         Pyramid (build the spelling pyramid letter by letter)

·         Get creative with your pictures around the spellings

  • Look, say, cover, write, check 

There are some great games to help you practise these words on the Spellzone website

Weekly Wider Curriculum Tasks


Who was king Alfred?

Why was he called Alfred the great?
Why did people fight for him?
What caused the battle of Edington?


What is pitch?

How many high pitched sounds can you find?
How many low pitched sounds can you find?
Do you notice anything different about the things that make a high pitched sound and a low pitch sound?


The Bayeux tapestry is a very famous peice of art, find out about it in the link below

Have a go at creating your own section of the Bayeux tapestry or if you're up for a challenge have a go at the whole piece. The link below has some ideas of how you can create the whole piece.

Bayeux tapestry

Forest School 

Click on the link and choose an acitivty or two

Forest school activities

Perhaps the children can lead the adults, as some of these activities are the ones the children have done at school.

Mrs Gay says that clay can be substituted for mud and water. Please make sure that you have parental supervision if you are using any tools

Picture News - Picture News Virtual Assembly

Story: An Italian architect designs a new way of living.

Question:  If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

🌟 Humber Class Ongoing Task - Who is your hero?🌟

I’ve been hearing lots of people talking about their heroes recently, especially the NHS heroes on the news.

A hero is a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes and each of you will no doubt have a different hero for very different reasons but I would like to hear all about them.

I would like you to choose your hero and learn all about them, then show what you know in whatever way you choose, you might choose to use the computer and create a PowerPoint, Poster or piece of writing or you could create a scrapbook instead.

Be creative and take your time, this is a project for you to work on over the next few weeks rather than completed in one session.

If you complete all of this week’s learning have a look on the BBC Bitesize website there’s lots to learn on there 😊


  1. Hi Miss Marshall the Maths sheets haven't come up. From Kaitlyn.

    1. Hi Kaitlyn, are you clicking on Summer term week 3?

  2. Is there any more Maths that I can do.

    1. If you have completed all of the weeks in the link Kaitlyn have a look at https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/z826n39
      Try to find things that we have done in class and see if you can remember them.
      I recommend that you look at the time and shape ones :)
